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Hello There!

Hey guys by now hopefully you've taken a look around and seen my shooting style and all the services I offer. If you havent then let me give you a quick rundown. Besides my wonderful totally awesome 6 year old son, photography is my whole life. Anything portrait or event related I'm your girl! Newborn, Kids, Maternity, Family or just people related I love to shoot! Sorry animal lovers, even though pets are cute I dont photograph them :(. Not alone at least maybe in a family session outside of the studio; we can work something out. Anyways back to photography, where were we .... yes events! Private events to be exact.I love them! Weddings, Bridal Showers, Babyshowers, Sweet sixteens, Kids parties etc...

Ok enough with the mini intro,if you'd like to here more about me then check out the "About me" tab.So I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now,but havent been able to quite figure out what I wanted it to be based on.After much time and thought I finally said "let me just start and see where it leads. "Start" is my word for 2016 guys. I have an habit of procrastinating and what a better place to leave that then in 2015!

Let's all make this year about just "starting" all the things we've been pushing to side. Whether it's you going to gym more often, eaiting healthier, calling Adorje Photography to book your session lol or even starting your own business! Let's just "Start". Over the years I've seen clients struggle or get stuck when it comes to planning their event or shoot. I have some great topics and tips that I'll be posting from time to time. So be sure to check back regularly.

I would love to hear from you guys! Do you like the site?Is there anywhere or page that maybe difficult for you to navigate?Did you like this post?What kind of topics would you like to hear about?Talk to me!! Stop by the contact page and let me know. Till next time.


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